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Mission Statement

To create a single entity at Johns Hopkins that brings together educators, researchers, and clinicians to focus on developing successful, replicable and scalable school-based health solutions that address barriers to health and wellness access among underserved populations.


  1. To expand research aimed at developing a holistic understanding of the challenges inherent in school-based health and wellness programs.
  2. To create systems and processes for monitoring the effectiveness and impact of school-based programs on health and academic outcomes.
  3. To become a leading voice in national policy and legislative discussions about the integration of health and education with school-based models of delivery.
  4. To serve as a knowledge hub, locally and nationally, that will provide education about school-based health and foster strategic public-private alliances.

Our Story

The Center is a collaboration among the Johns Hopkins Schools of Medicine, Education, Public Health, and Nursing. The organization was established to develop and improve the delivery of school-based health care programs.

In our Center, we interface with school-based health from several angles: research, policy and advocacy, consultation, education, and program development. All of these aspects are vital to our identity and the work we do around school-based health delivery.

Through engagement with the Baltimore community, we strive to provide innovative and compassionate solutions to improving healthcare access to the children of Baltimore. Please find more about our four seminal Baltimore Projects: Vision for Baltimore, the Rales Center, the eSchool+ Initiative, and HEAT Corps.

For more information about our four projects: