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Beth Marshall, DrPH MPH

Beth Marshall, DrPH MPH

Assistant Scientist/Associate Director
Institutional affiliation:
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Adolescent Health
[email protected]

Dr. Marshall is an Assistant Scientist in the Department of Population, Family, and Reproductive Health and serves as the Associate Director for the Center for Adolescent Health, a CDC funded Prevention Research Center. Her undergraduate training is in health education and she was a certified K-12 educator in the state of Maryland and taught in Batlimore City Public Schools. Her Masters and Doctoral training focused on child health and development particularly how that development is shaped by schools. She over eighteen years of experience conducting research and evaluation projects focused on schools and health in urban school settings. Through her work with the Rales Center for the Integration of Health and Education and the Office of Adolescent Health, she focuses on the adaptation of programming for urban youth including recess programs, screening programs, and sexual health education. Dr. Marshall teaches two courses at the Bloomberg School of Public Heatlh including Schools and Health which focuses on research and implementation around the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child framework and the Asset Based Approaches to Vulnerable Youth which focuses on research, policy, and practice adressing the needs of the most vulnerable young people.